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n. 名詞
1.水平線; 水平面[C]A position on a real or imaginary scale of amount, quantity, extent, or quality The village is 1, 000 meters above the sea level. 這村子海拔一千公尺。
The room is at the same level as the yard.
2.高, 高度[C][U]A height or distance from the ground or another stated or understood base
The flood rose to a level of 50 feet. 洪水漲到五十英尺高。
The level of Taipei 101 makes it become famous in the world.
3.(建築物的)層[C]a floor or story
This building has thirty-nine level.
The men's clothing department is on the third level.
4.平坦的表面; 平坦地區[C]A flat tract of land
I put the vase on the level of the table.
We found a level besides the river and have a picnic there.
5.(文化等的)水準, 程度, 標準[C][U]a stage degree or stantard
These students have not reached an advanced level yet.這些學生尚未達到高級班的程度。
The country is at a high level of culture.
6.【美】水準儀; 水準測量[C]a devise for finding out if a surface is level
A spirit level is often used by builders.
Level is a kind of measure tool.
7.級別; 地位[C]A position on a real or imaginary scale of amount, quantity, extent, or quality
They are holding a conference at ministerial level. 他們正在舉行部長級會議。
Linda found her own level as a housewife.
a. 形容詞
1.水平的, 平的 Having a flat and even surface without slopes or bumps
Some streets are not level in the city.城裡有幾條街道不平坦。
Add a level teaspoon of sugar.
2.同高度的, 同水平的, 同程度的, 並進的[F][(+with)] At the same height as someone or something else
The water is level with the top of the glass.
The fence is level with his chest.
3.筆直的, 直盯著的
She gave me a level look. 她直瞪瞪地看我一眼。
Bill was given a level look by his teeacher while he was talking.
平穩的; 冷靜的 Calm and steady
He was getting angry but his voice remained level. 他很生氣, 但說話的語氣仍很平靜。
He is level while listening to this shocked news.
4.公平的; 誠實的 fair or honest
He was not level when he said that he would be able to pay off the debts.
Is his offer level?
vt. 及物動詞
1.弄平, 推平[(+out/off)]make or become level,even,or flat
The bulldozer leveled the mound of earth.推土機把土堆鏟平。
They're leveling the ground before they start building.
2.夷平; 毀壞; 擊倒 destroy,knock down
The trees were leveled by the typhoon. 樹木被颱風刮倒了。
The houses were leveled by the earthquake.
3.使平等, 使劃一
4.把...對準[(+at)]use sth to aim or point
He leveled his pistol at the target.
The soldier leveled his gun at the enemies
vi. 不及物動詞
1.變平make or become level,even,or flat
The deck of the ship leveled as the wind subsided.隨著風的平息, 船甲板也平穩了。
The road goes up and down,and then levels out for a few miles.
2.用槍瞄準[(+at)]use guns to aim or point
The ship leveled at that small village.
The soldier leveled his enemies in the war.
3.坦率誠實地對待[(+with)]be honest
Are you level with me?
John is level with his classmates in school.
4.對準[(+at)]aim or point
Her eyes leveled at him.她的眼睛盯著他。
The ship's guns leveled at that village.