n. A sum of money given to someone as a reward for their services 小費
ex: We went to the restaurant for dinner yesterday. And﹐we put the tip on the table for
her service before we left.
I do not want to gave him the tip because his servise is very bad.
n. A small but useful piece of practical advice 祕訣;提示
ex: My sister gave me a tip on how to study math well. It is very helpful for me.
我姐姐告訴我如何讀好數學的祕訣。 這對我來說非常有幫助。
If you know some tips ﹐your life will be more convenience.
vt. Attach to or cover the end or extremity of 覆蓋(或裝飾)...的尖端 (+with)
ex: I saw a beautiful view that mountains tipped with snow .
I like to see mountains tipped with trees.