
這個網誌設計的目的在於希望透過生活化的圖片、影片和例句,幫助大家用不一樣的方式學習英文單字,請各位同學將分配到單字盡你所能地做最棒的呈現,並給予別的同學正面積極的回應,讓大家能對這些單字過目不忘! Fighting~!!!



 [tʃik] n [C] 臉頰

definition: The side of the face below the eye.

example1: He kissed her on both cheeks.他親吻了一下她的雙頰。

example2: What a cheek!真不要臉!

cheek kiss

Heaven, I'm in heaven
And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak
And I seem to find the happiness I seek
When we're out together dancing cheek to cheek


[hjudʒ] adj. 巨大的 按我聽發音

definition: extremely large in size or amount

example1: I have a huge pile of letters to deal with. 我有一大堆信件要處理。

example2: The party was a huge success.晚會辦得非常成功。

Huge Burger

Huge Women

Huge Fish

Wow! This huge fish looks delicious!


[ˋsaʊr] adj.酸的

definition: one of the four basic taste sensations; like the taste of vinegar(醋) or lemons

example1: These oranges taste sour. 這些橘子吃起來很酸。

example2: She gave me a sour look. 她狠狠地瞪了我一眼。

Baby Eats a Sour Lemon

What I want to say: The video make me happy, and want to have a baby of my own!!!


  [`ivL] adj. 邪惡的

definition: someone who is evil deliberately does very cruel things to harm other people

example:  an evil dictator responsible for the deaths of millions
                  online game is kind of evil !!


video comment: how's funny. the evil fortune cookie just like taiwan's sign stick. in the video, these 2 people have the reality reflection on their cookie. but i still don't know why it's called evil ?! because it carrys unlucky?

Reflection: Now, i know how to use this word, in the textbook content, evil describe the person who has bad attempt. however, now i know it also can describe something leds you to be a bad way or result.



[1`skep] vi. 逃離

definition: to get away from a place or dangerous situation when someone is trying to catch you or stop you

example 1:  He broke down the locked door and escaped.
example 2: I wanna to escape this exam loop!

video:  Toy Story: The Great Escape

Video comment: the video is very interesting! Different from the original movie, dad and boy create the interesting script. it also describes the nervous in this great escape situation. and also let me know what's means of escape!

Reflection: Now, i know what kind of situation can use "escape", it describes to get away from dangerous situation with emergency situation.



 [`saI1ns] n. [U] 科學

definition: knowledge about the world, especially based on examining, testing, and proving facts

Moreover, Science also means a particular part of science, for example biology, chemistry, or physics:

Many leading scientists do not consider that science can give absolutely reliable knowledge.

video:   Jumpstart 2nd grade - Science song HD

comment: mmm... i think this video just like the song to show the many kinds of science.

reflection: Science to me, just like the part of life. It includes computer science, biology, or something else.

and it also very interesting.