(It's a type of play and the actor/actress always sings in it.)
ex:The famous actress plays the lead in the opera.
這個網誌設計的目的在於希望透過生活化的圖片、影片和例句,幫助大家用不一樣的方式學習英文單字,請各位同學將分配到單字盡你所能地做最棒的呈現,並給予別的同學正面積極的回應,讓大家能對這些單字過目不忘! Fighting~!!!

1. 可怕的, 嚇人的, 可怖的
2. 極度的, 嚴重的
3. 令人敬畏的
5.【口】極糟糕的, 極差的
1.Extremely and shockingly or distressingly bad or serious
2.Causing or likely to cause terror; sinister
3.Of extremely poor quality
4.Used to emphasize the extent of something unpleasant or bad
5.Extremely incompetent or unskillful
6.Feeling or looking extremely unwell
7.(of a person or their feelings) Troubled or guilty
1. 可怕的, 嚇人的, 可怖的
2. 極度的, 嚴重的
3. 令人敬畏的
5.【口】極糟糕的, 極差的
1.Extremely and shockingly or distressingly bad or serious
2.Causing or likely to cause terror; sinister
3.Of extremely poor quality
4.Used to emphasize the extent of something unpleasant or bad
5.Extremely incompetent or unskillful
6.Feeling or looking extremely unwell
7.(of a person or their feelings) Troubled or guilty
1.The dirty clothes under his bed smell terrible.
2.She looks terrible after crying.
1.The dirty clothes under his bed smell terrible.
2.She looks terrible after crying.
When we see a terrible scene or appearence,we may be scared and have terrible feeling.But fortunatly,the zombies parade was just a cosplay!
n. 名詞
1.水平線; 水平面[C]A position on a real or imaginary scale of amount, quantity, extent, or quality The village is 1, 000 meters above the sea level. 這村子海拔一千公尺。
The room is at the same level as the yard.
2.高, 高度[C][U]A height or distance from the ground or another stated or understood base
The flood rose to a level of 50 feet. 洪水漲到五十英尺高。
The level of Taipei 101 makes it become famous in the world.
3.(建築物的)層[C]a floor or story
This building has thirty-nine level.
The men's clothing department is on the third level.
4.平坦的表面; 平坦地區[C]A flat tract of land
I put the vase on the level of the table.
We found a level besides the river and have a picnic there.
5.(文化等的)水準, 程度, 標準[C][U]a stage degree or stantard
These students have not reached an advanced level yet.這些學生尚未達到高級班的程度。
The country is at a high level of culture.
6.【美】水準儀; 水準測量[C]a devise for finding out if a surface is level
A spirit level is often used by builders.
Level is a kind of measure tool.
7.級別; 地位[C]A position on a real or imaginary scale of amount, quantity, extent, or quality
They are holding a conference at ministerial level. 他們正在舉行部長級會議。
Linda found her own level as a housewife.
a. 形容詞
1.水平的, 平的 Having a flat and even surface without slopes or bumps
Some streets are not level in the city.城裡有幾條街道不平坦。
Add a level teaspoon of sugar.
2.同高度的, 同水平的, 同程度的, 並進的[F][(+with)] At the same height as someone or something else
The water is level with the top of the glass.
The fence is level with his chest.
3.筆直的, 直盯著的
She gave me a level look. 她直瞪瞪地看我一眼。
Bill was given a level look by his teeacher while he was talking.
平穩的; 冷靜的 Calm and steady
He was getting angry but his voice remained level. 他很生氣, 但說話的語氣仍很平靜。
He is level while listening to this shocked news.
4.公平的; 誠實的 fair or honest
He was not level when he said that he would be able to pay off the debts.
Is his offer level?
vt. 及物動詞
1.弄平, 推平[(+out/off)]make or become level,even,or flat
The bulldozer leveled the mound of earth.推土機把土堆鏟平。
They're leveling the ground before they start building.
2.夷平; 毀壞; 擊倒 destroy,knock down
The trees were leveled by the typhoon. 樹木被颱風刮倒了。
The houses were leveled by the earthquake.
3.使平等, 使劃一
4.把...對準[(+at)]use sth to aim or point
He leveled his pistol at the target.
The soldier leveled his gun at the enemies
vi. 不及物動詞
1.變平make or become level,even,or flat
The deck of the ship leveled as the wind subsided.隨著風的平息, 船甲板也平穩了。
The road goes up and down,and then levels out for a few miles.
2.用槍瞄準[(+at)]use guns to aim or point
The ship leveled at that small village.
The soldier leveled his enemies in the war.
3.坦率誠實地對待[(+with)]be honest
Are you level with me?
John is level with his classmates in school.
4.對準[(+at)]aim or point
Her eyes leveled at him.她的眼睛盯著他。
The ship's guns leveled at that village.
1.水平線; 水平面[C]A position on a real or imaginary scale of amount, quantity, extent, or quality The village is 1, 000 meters above the sea level. 這村子海拔一千公尺。
The room is at the same level as the yard.
2.高, 高度[C][U]A height or distance from the ground or another stated or understood base
The flood rose to a level of 50 feet. 洪水漲到五十英尺高。
The level of Taipei 101 makes it become famous in the world.
3.(建築物的)層[C]a floor or story
This building has thirty-nine level.
The men's clothing department is on the third level.
4.平坦的表面; 平坦地區[C]A flat tract of land
I put the vase on the level of the table.
We found a level besides the river and have a picnic there.
5.(文化等的)水準, 程度, 標準[C][U]a stage degree or stantard
These students have not reached an advanced level yet.這些學生尚未達到高級班的程度。
The country is at a high level of culture.
6.【美】水準儀; 水準測量[C]a devise for finding out if a surface is level
A spirit level is often used by builders.
Level is a kind of measure tool.
7.級別; 地位[C]A position on a real or imaginary scale of amount, quantity, extent, or quality
They are holding a conference at ministerial level. 他們正在舉行部長級會議。
Linda found her own level as a housewife.
a. 形容詞
1.水平的, 平的 Having a flat and even surface without slopes or bumps
Some streets are not level in the city.城裡有幾條街道不平坦。
Add a level teaspoon of sugar.
2.同高度的, 同水平的, 同程度的, 並進的[F][(+with)] At the same height as someone or something else
The water is level with the top of the glass.
The fence is level with his chest.
3.筆直的, 直盯著的
She gave me a level look. 她直瞪瞪地看我一眼。
Bill was given a level look by his teeacher while he was talking.
平穩的; 冷靜的 Calm and steady
He was getting angry but his voice remained level. 他很生氣, 但說話的語氣仍很平靜。
He is level while listening to this shocked news.
4.公平的; 誠實的 fair or honest
He was not level when he said that he would be able to pay off the debts.
Is his offer level?
vt. 及物動詞
1.弄平, 推平[(+out/off)]make or become level,even,or flat
The bulldozer leveled the mound of earth.推土機把土堆鏟平。
They're leveling the ground before they start building.
2.夷平; 毀壞; 擊倒 destroy,knock down
The trees were leveled by the typhoon. 樹木被颱風刮倒了。
The houses were leveled by the earthquake.
3.使平等, 使劃一
4.把...對準[(+at)]use sth to aim or point
He leveled his pistol at the target.
The soldier leveled his gun at the enemies
vi. 不及物動詞
1.變平make or become level,even,or flat
The deck of the ship leveled as the wind subsided.隨著風的平息, 船甲板也平穩了。
The road goes up and down,and then levels out for a few miles.
2.用槍瞄準[(+at)]use guns to aim or point
The ship leveled at that small village.
The soldier leveled his enemies in the war.
3.坦率誠實地對待[(+with)]be honest
Are you level with me?
John is level with his classmates in school.
4.對準[(+at)]aim or point
Her eyes leveled at him.她的眼睛盯著他。
The ship's guns leveled at that village.

- vt. 及物動詞
削去...的皮, 剝去...的殼; 替...削(或剝)...[O1]
His job was to peel potatoes. 他的工作是削馬鈴薯皮。
剝, 去(皮, 殼等)[O]
The Indians peeled the bark from trees to make canoes. 印第安人從樹上剝下樹皮做皮舟。
He peeled off his heavy sweater. 他脫去了他的厚毛衣。 - vi. 不及物動詞
剝落; 脫落; 脫皮
The paint is peeling off the wall. 油漆從牆上剝落下來。
It got hotter, the boys peeled to get relief. 天氣越來越熱, 男孩子們脫去衣服涼快涼快 - n. 名詞
(水果, 蔬菜等的)皮; (對蝦等的)殼[U]
She threw the banana peel into the trash can. 她將香蕉皮扔進垃圾筒

mask:A covering for all or part of the face, in particular
n. 名詞 [C]
1.假面具; 偽裝; 遮蔽物All guests wore masks to the ball. 所有客人都戴假面具參加舞會。
2.防護面具; 口罩The nurse wore a gauze mask. 護士戴著薄紗口罩。
4.掩飾, 口實He did it under the mask of charity. 他借慈善之名做此事。
5.化裝舞會; 假面劇
6.戴假面具的人A mask, in the character of an old woman, joined them. 一個戴著假面具扮演老婦的人加入了他們的行列。
.vt. 及物動詞
1.在(臉上)戴面具All the robbers were masked. 所有的強盜都戴著面具。
2.掩飾; 偽裝, 遮蔽He tried to mask his disappointment with a smile. 他試圖以微笑來掩飾他的失望。
3.使模糊, 使不被察覺
.vi. 不及物動詞
1.戴面具, 化裝
2.掩飾, 偽裝起來
What I want to say:The masks are so cool that I like them very much.
1.{副詞}不幸地.可惜地 Unfortunately he won't be here tomorrow evening
{名詞}不幸的人 He is an unfortunately man.
2.Unfortunately:Can't obtain the wish,obtain what he doesn't want.
3.example 1:I was unfortunately delayed.
example 2:Unfortunately,time is not on our side.
What I want to say:There are many unfortunately people in this world.
we should treasure the life we are in.
difinition:painful and often red
example1:I have a sore thorat.
example2:After hiking in a rainy day,my feet were sore and my head ached
What I want to say:This picture is so cute,but I do not want to have a toothache like she.
difinition:painful and often red
example1:I have a sore thorat.
example2:After hiking in a rainy day,my feet were sore and my head ached
What I want to say:This picture is so cute,but I do not want to have a toothache like she.
n. A sum of money given to someone as a reward for their services 小費
ex: We went to the restaurant for dinner yesterday. And﹐we put the tip on the table for
her service before we left.
I do not want to gave him the tip because his servise is very bad.
n. A small but useful piece of practical advice 祕訣;提示
ex: My sister gave me a tip on how to study math well. It is very helpful for me.
我姐姐告訴我如何讀好數學的祕訣。 這對我來說非常有幫助。
If you know some tips ﹐your life will be more convenience.
vt. Attach to or cover the end or extremity of 覆蓋(或裝飾)...的尖端 (+with)
ex: I saw a beautiful view that mountains tipped with snow .
I like to see mountains tipped with trees.
(v.) (自然地)
to make something naturally ; to make something to be sold , usually in large numbers .
EX1: The factory produces 10,000,000 clothes a week .
EX2: This machine can produses lots of things .
What I want to say : The nature produces many things that we can use or eat .
It's very magical for me that the nature can produces many things .
to make something naturally ; to make something to be sold , usually in large numbers .
EX1: The factory produces 10,000,000 clothes a week .
EX2: This machine can produses lots of things .
What I want to say : The nature produces many things that we can use or eat .
It's very magical for me that the nature can produces many things .
secret(n)The knowledge needed or the best way to do something very well 秘訣,訣竅
(n)something that is hidden from others or known by only a few people 秘密
example(1)One of the secrets of good health is regular exercise.
example(2)The political prisoner was executed after a secret trail.

Relating to or using magic
produced or working as if by magic
It's a magical crystal ball.
He had a gentle, magical touch with the child.
What I want to say: It's a magical tap.I want to know how it made.
Relating to or using magic
produced or working as if by magic
It's a magical crystal ball.
He had a gentle, magical touch with the child.
What I want to say: It's a magical tap.I want to know how it made.
difinition:to make other people think that someone is good because of what he or she has said or done
example1:I was very impressed by his story. 他的故事深深打動了我。
difinition:to make other people think that someone is good because of what he or she has said or done
example1:I was very impressed by his story. 他的故事深深打動了我。
example2:The woman impressed me most unfavorably. 這女人給我的印象極差。
![]() |
What I want to say: Those photos are so cool.They really make people with deep impression. |

morally wrong and hurting other people
例句:1.The evil robber was caught by a brave old man.
2.Many people doesn't like him because he did many evil things before.
I drew this picture in junior high before the Basic Competence Test for Junior High School Students. Because at that time , I was tired and I didn't want to study anymore, I thought the test is an evil thing ,a kind of an evil dragon. So I drew this picture and I also drew a girl who is fighting the dragon, and I imagined that I was the girl and I would defeat the dragon. And finally ,I won.
difinition: Make the surface of (something) smooth and shiny by rubbing it.
example1: She unloaded the dishwasher and polished the glasses.
example2: He polished his spectacles with handkerchief before answering.
What I want to say: I have never worn leather shoes.I think it is hard for a lazy person(such as me!) to keep a leather shoes clean and shiny.
difinition: Make the surface of (something) smooth and shiny by rubbing it.
example1: She unloaded the dishwasher and polished the glasses.
example2: He polished his spectacles with handkerchief before answering.
What I want to say: I have never worn leather shoes.I think it is hard for a lazy person(such as me!) to keep a leather shoes clean and shiny.
形容詞 adj
Missing book is found now.
He is said to be missing.
I will print in the missing names for you.
I am missing you
1.v.改進 ;增進
2.Make or become better ;
Increase the value of (real property) by renovation, construction, landscaping, etc
EX:If you want to improve your English,you have to practice a lot. (如果你想改善你的英文 你必須多加練習)
The price of steel improved.(鋼筋的價格提高了)
The street was dirty before.
Now it is very clean.
(This is not a real thing,the places in the pictures are not the same.)
2.Make or become better ;
Increase the value of (real property) by renovation, construction, landscaping, etc
EX:If you want to improve your English,you have to practice a lot. (如果你想改善你的英文 你必須多加練習)
The price of steel improved.(鋼筋的價格提高了)
The street was dirty before.
Now it is very clean.
(This is not a real thing,the places in the pictures are not the same.)
(of a part of one's body) Painful or aching.
Ex.1.He was sick and had a sore throat.
Ex.2.After running for an hour , her feet become very sore.
It's a vedio about a boy who wanted to find a girl that he like . He walked and walked untill his feet were sore but he never give up. Then, finally , he won the girl's heart. The lyrics was pretty beautiful and the story is simple. It's a cool vedio and I really like it.
3. To move something back and forth on another thing with pressure.
4.Joseph rubbed his eyes, so they became red.
Mary rubs her hands to keep warm.
6.People rub oil on their skin to keep them moisture.
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[tʃik] n [C] 臉頰
definition: The side of the face below the eye.
example1: He kissed her on both cheeks.他親吻了一下她的雙頰。
example2: What a cheek!真不要臉!

Heaven, I'm in heaven
And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak
And I seem to find the happiness I seek
When we're out together dancing cheek to cheek
definition: The side of the face below the eye.
example1: He kissed her on both cheeks.他親吻了一下她的雙頰。
example2: What a cheek!真不要臉!
cheek kiss
And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak
And I seem to find the happiness I seek
When we're out together dancing cheek to cheek
[ˋsaʊr] adj.酸的
definition: one of the four basic taste sensations; like the taste of vinegar(醋) or lemons
example1: These oranges taste sour. 這些橘子吃起來很酸。
example2: She gave me a sour look. 她狠狠地瞪了我一眼。
What I want to say: The video make me happy, and want to have a baby of my own!!!
definition: one of the four basic taste sensations; like the taste of vinegar(醋) or lemons
example1: These oranges taste sour. 這些橘子吃起來很酸。
example2: She gave me a sour look. 她狠狠地瞪了我一眼。
Baby Eats a Sour Lemon
What I want to say: The video make me happy, and want to have a baby of my own!!!
[`ivL] adj. 邪惡的
definition: someone who is evil deliberately does very cruel things to harm other people
example: an evil dictator responsible for the deaths of millions
online game is kind of evil !!
video comment: how's funny. the evil fortune cookie just like taiwan's sign stick. in the video, these 2 people have the reality reflection on their cookie. but i still don't know why it's called evil ?! because it carrys unlucky?
Reflection: Now, i know how to use this word, in the textbook content, evil describe the person who has bad attempt. however, now i know it also can describe something leds you to be a bad way or result.
[1`skep] vi.
definition: to get away from a place or dangerous situation when someone is trying to catch you or stop you
example 1: He broke down the locked door and escaped.
example 2: I wanna to escape this exam loop!
video: Toy Story: The Great Escape
Video comment: the video is very interesting! Different from the original movie, dad and boy create the interesting script. it also describes the nervous in this great escape situation. and also let me know what's means of escape!
Reflection: Now, i know what kind of situation can use "escape", it describes to get away from dangerous situation with emergency situation.
[`saI1ns] n. [U] 科學
definition: knowledge about the world, especially based on examining, testing, and proving facts
Moreover, Science also means a particular part of science, for example biology, chemistry, or physics :
Many leading scientists do not consider that science can give absolutely reliable knowledge.
video: Jumpstart 2nd grade - Science song HD
comment: mmm... i think this video just like the song to show the many kinds of science.
reflection: Science to me, just like the part of life. It includes computer science, biology, or something else.
and it also very interesting.
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