
這個網誌設計的目的在於希望透過生活化的圖片、影片和例句,幫助大家用不一樣的方式學習英文單字,請各位同學將分配到單字盡你所能地做最棒的呈現,並給予別的同學正面積極的回應,讓大家能對這些單字過目不忘! Fighting~!!!



  1. vt. 及物動詞
    削去...的皮, 剝去...的殼; 替...削(或剝)...[O1]
    His job was to peel potatoes. 他的工作是削馬鈴薯皮。
    剝, 去(皮, 殼等)[O]
    The Indians peeled the bark from trees to make canoes. 印第安人從樹上剝下樹皮做皮舟。
    He peeled off his heavy sweater. 他脫去了他的厚毛衣。

  2. vi. 不及物動詞
    剝落; 脫落; 脫皮
    The paint is peeling off the wall. 油漆從牆上剝落下來。
    It got hotter, the boys peeled to get relief. 天氣越來越熱, 男孩子們脫去衣服涼快涼快

  3. n. 名詞
    (水果, 蔬菜等的)皮; (對蝦等的)殼[U]
    She threw the banana peel into the trash can. 她


mask:A covering for all or part of the face, in particular
n. 名詞 [C]
1.假面具; 偽裝; 遮蔽物All guests wore masks to the ball. 所有客人都戴假面具參加舞會。

2.防護面具; 口罩The nurse wore a gauze mask. 護士戴著薄紗口罩。


4.掩飾, 口實He did it under the mask of charity. 他借慈善之名做此事。

5.化裝舞會; 假面劇

6.戴假面具的人A mask, in the character of an old woman, joined them. 一個戴著假面具扮演老婦的人加入了他們的行列。


.vt. 及物動詞
1.在(臉上)戴面具All the robbers were masked. 所有的強盜都戴著面具。

2.掩飾; 偽裝, 遮蔽He tried to mask his disappointment with a smile. 他試圖以微笑來掩飾他的失望。

3.使模糊, 使不被察覺

.vi. 不及物動詞
1.戴面具, 化裝

2.掩飾, 偽裝起來
What I want to say:The masks are so cool that I like them very much.


1.{副詞}不幸地.可惜地 Unfortunately he won't be here tomorrow evening

{名詞}不幸的人 He is an unfortunately man.

2.Unfortunately:Can't obtain the wish,obtain what he doesn't want.

3.example 1:I was unfortunately delayed.

example 2:Unfortunately,time is not on our side.

What I want to say:There are many unfortunately people in this world.

we should treasure the life we are in.


科學; 自然科學[U]
The computer is a marvel of modern science. 電腦是現代科學的一個奇蹟。

(一門)科學, 學科[C][U]
Some people think that chess is a science, not just a game. 一些人認為西洋棋不僅是一種遊戲而是一門科學。

專門的技巧, 技術[U]

What I want to say:Sometimes, science is difficult,but sometimes it is simple in our life.


vi.滾動; 打滾

difinition:Move or cause to move in a particular direction by turning over and over on an axis

example1:The car rolled down into a ditch.

example2:She rolled the ball across the floor.

What I want to say:The picture is so interesting thst we can remember the word easily.


difinition:painful and often red
example1:I have a sore thorat.
example2:After hiking in a rainy day,my feet were sore and my head ached
What I want to say:This picture is so cute,but I do not want to have a toothache like she.